Spelunky — Throwing Rocks

Jax Wall
2 min readOct 15, 2020

A break from regularly scheduled programming…

I’ve been so busy that I didn’t find the time to sus out a good comment for today. But what I did have time for, or downtime for, was Spelunky! This is actually my first time playing through the game on PS4. So I thought I’d write about game design; something really specific that I think Spelunky does really well.

And that’s rock-throwing. Specifically, how every object your character throws has an arc to it. Some reasons I think this works:

  • The “twist” or surprise factor: giving an arc to the rock puts a twist on 2D projectiles. Firing object has a separate identity from a Metroid or Contra, games with straight firing ammunition. Every great game has that defining ‘feel’ and I think the weight of the rock contributes to this.
  • The above-mentioned twist actually taught me to expect the unexpected when it came to other weapons. When I picked up the shotgun for the first time, I hesitated. Was it going to do something I wouldn’t anticipate? It does! Firing the shotgun propels the player character backwards with recoil.
  • Weight: there’s real heft to controlling Spelunky. Player characters jump low and fall hard. Giving projectiles a distinct weight and physics compliments the character controller.
  • Balance: given how relatively powerful projectiles are in this game — often times one-hit killing enemies — that needs to be offset with a bit of difficulty. Trying to time the throw, and calculate the arc whilst split-second jumping achieves this. When I can pull it off I feel powerful.
  • While not actually related to the arc, throwing projectiles instructs the player’s path. Projectiles can set off traps, giving the player a chance to plot ahead and double-check they haven’t missed anything devious.

